Custom Designed Kitchens

Custom Kitchen and Cabinetry Brand

This client came to us with over twenty years experience designing custom kitchens and cabinetry.

Social media marketing was an afterthought for this business. Managed ad hoc in house, they were posting for posting’s sake without a clear strategy.

With a plethora of beautiful content ready to post, the client felt overwhelmed and unable to execute their vision for utilsing their stunning kitchen content!


Increase awareness in the Macarthur and surrounding area and reposition as industry authorities and leaders.

Content that converts

Key Challenge

This client operates in a highly competitive local market and had plenty of digital assets ready to show off their work! In short, these guys had all the gear, but no idea. They had plenty of content on hard, they didn’t have the expertise to best utilise it.


For this established business we put the focus on storytelling, sharing their client’s project briefs and how we fulfilled these by creating beautiful content to showcase their end product. Stunning photography and videography worked to increase brand perception and position the brand alongside other key local players.

By educating the audience by sharing their expert value, we attracted inbound leads without overt promotion.

We also put a large emphasis on increasing engagement, using strong calls to action. By inviting people to engage and tagging other brands to incite engagement, we were able to build relationships with both other complementary brands and their potential clientele.

Finally, we got to work humanising the brand, highlighting team members and their knowledge to position them as experts in their field – which they certainly are!

Results/Key Stats

Over twelve months we achieved incredible growth for our client, increasing their Facebook engagement by 9,707% and their Instagram engagement by 6,348%.

Their Facebook reach increased by 141,755% and Instagram by 43,299%, with a staggering 157% increase in Instagram followers!

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increase in instagram followers

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increase in Facebook reach

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increase in Facebook engagement

Data Doesn’t Lie

12 months of growth


Key Takeaways


Key Takeaways


“We have been so happy with your work and Melissa has been a delight to work with.”